The external evaluation was conducted by international and independent experts in the areas covered by the project. They visited the partner institutions in the partner countries.
The first meeting was held in Yerevan, Armenia. Hosted by NUACA partner on 12th February.
Followed by the ASUE partner in Yerevan, that hosted European and Armenian project coordinators, on 13th February, from Polytechnic University of Valencia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, University of Bologna, and the external evaluators, as well as Armenian partner’s representatives from National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia and Goris State University.
Finally, on 15th February at ISU and GTU in Tbilisi, Georgia. European and Georgian partner universities and international experts of the external evaluation group attended. Namely the representatives from Polytechnic University of Valencia , Bologna, Thessaloniki, Karlsruhe, Ljubljana, Sassari, Georgian Technical and Ilia State Universities, as well as the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia and GeoGraphic partners. Also representatives from the National Erasmus+ Office Georgia and the Project Advisory Board members participated in the meeting.

Picture of the external evaluation at ISU