Group Members

Dr. Luis A. Ruiz teaches remote sensing and digital image processing at UPV. He served as Vice-Dean of Intl. Relations of the School of Geodesy, Cartography and Surveying from 2005 to 2013, and has been coordinator of the Erasmus Thematic Network EEGECS from 2006 to 2008, fostering links between universities and institutions working in Geoinformation technologies in Europe, and participated in cooperation projects in Latin America and Eastern Europe –such as Tempus-GIDEC– as well as in international curricula evaluation committees and conferences. He is a regular visiting lecturer at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, and has been visiting professor at the National University of La Plata, Argentina (1997 and 2005), Oregon State University (2007) and University of Washington (2012, 2016), and participated in a variety of research projects in geomatics.
Email: laruiz @
Role in the project
Project co-ordinator. Involved in all WPs and tasks, in particular in those related to the management and coordination of the activities of the project, WP-7 (Quality Control and Monitoring) and WP-8 (Project Management)

He has a degree in Geophysics from the University of Moscow (URSS), and now is Full Professor at the School of Geodesy, Cartography and Surveying at UPV, where he served as Dean during the last eight years. He was previously Vice-Dean of Intl. Relations (1994-2005) and coordinator of the Erasmus Thematic Network EEGECS from 2003 to 2006, and has lead ALFA projects in Latin America (GACELA, GeoPLACA). He has directed and worked in many projects related to the use of new non-intrusive techniques for environmental applications, and mapping cultural heritage monuments and architecture, collaborating with the museum of Prehistory and others, as well as mapping archaeological sites, including continuous collaboration with the paleontology research team at Atapuerca caves.
Role in the project
Teacher in training courses and management tasks.

PhD in Geodesy and Cartographic Engineering and associate professor of Geographic Information Systems at UPV. His field of specialisation is related to advanced models of spatial data analysis, visualisation and dissemination in the web. He has worked in the customisation of tourism and cultural heritage data in mobile devices and web mapping. He has several SCI publications and has been principal researcher in projects related to “Off-line mobile map querying for tourism data and accessibility”, “Development of website for high quality digital visualisation of old maps” for the Giménez Llorente Foundation, or “Development of visualisation tools for cave paintings of the cultural area of Valltorta (Spain)”, among others.
Email: jpalomav @
Role in the project
Co-ordinator and teacher of training course 4.2 Mobile and Web mapping for CH tourism.

She is a technical researcher in geomatics, in the Department of Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry, in the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She has experience in geospatial data, spatial analysis and production on GIS and remote sensing projects. Developed statistical studies, land use land cover changes analysis, and analysed and mapped forest structure and fuel variables from LiDAR and satellite imagery. She has developed the UPV websites for HERITAG project and CGAT research group.
Email: marsamol @
Role in the project
Project assistant.

Professor, Director of Laboratory of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, and ex-chairman at the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering (2003-2007), Dipl. Eng. (1981) The Aristotle University, ΜSc (1985) and PhD (1987) both from the Dept. of Geodetic Science and Surveying, Τhe Οhio State University, USΑ. Editor-in-chief of the “South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics” e-Journal (, Scientific reviewer to 32 Journals, Scientific Responsible, Principal Researcher or member of Research Group to a total of 75 Research Projects funded by European or National Organizations. His published work includes 6 books, 9 chapters in international books and 192 papers.
Role in the project
Teacher in training courses and management tasks

PhD in Geomatics and teacher of GIS applications. Member of faculty’s studies office for the last 3 years. He has participated in the curricular reform of the Department of Geomatics and Surveying of Technical Institute of Serres, and two other faculties in two different universities. Participated in the EU project 2. OBSERVE, Strengthening and Development of Earth Observation Activities for the Environment in the Balkan Area. FP7, 2010-2012., as well as many other projects related to mapping with GIS techniques.
Role in the project
Teacher in training courses and management tasks

PHD in GIS and Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments. He is a teacher in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, GIS, 3D modeling using laser scanners in AUTH. He has participated in many projects related to Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, GIS and laser scanning for monitoring and documentation of archaeological sites and monuments, such as the photogrammetric and 3D laser scanning surveying of the excavation of Dispilio, Kastoria, with the Dept. of History and Archaeology of AUTH. He also participated in the EU project OBSERVE from 2010 to 1012.
Role in the project
Teacher in training courses and management tasks

He has a PhD degree in geodesy and works as associate professor at KTH. From 1998 to 2009, he was Director of Studies in Geomatics Engineering at KTH, with many years of experience in developing KTH’s geomatics engineering education according to the Bologna system. He has worked with 3 educational development projects in Ethiopia, Mozambique and Zambia. During 2004-2014, he has been coordinator/grant holder for six Tempus projects on curriculum development in geodesy and geoinformation technology. He has been awarded honorary doctoral degree in Armenia and honorary professor by 3 universities in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. His good knowledge of Eastern European countries and Central Asia and his documented expertise in managing international capacity building projects will be essential for the present Erasmus+ project

She teaches Macroeconomics, Tourism Economics and Economics of Tourism Destinations. Her main research interests are related to the subjects of tourism economics and cultural economics, she has published several articles on these topics in international journals. She has participated to national research projects. In particular, she participated as researcher in the National Project on “Copyright culture in the Italian Universities” (Rome, CRUI, 2010-2011) and the National Project on “analysis and economic evaluation of cultural goods” (PRIN,2004-2006). Laura has been member of 2 master and bachelor boards and responsible for the bachelor in Tourism Economics to evaluate the curricula.

Director of the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism and Assistant Professor of Tourism Systems and Cultural Itineraries, Tourism Geography, Cultural Geography of Tourism, Economic Geography, Geography of Development, Geographic Information Systems and Cartography and Travel Simulation. She participated in the project TEMPUS – CHTMBAL – Network for Postgraduate Masters in Cultural heritage and Tourism Management in the Balkan Countries, (2011-2012). She has participated and leaded national projects in cultural tourism and territorial development, as well as international projects in cultural heritage for the World Bank in Ethiopia, Morocco and Indonesia, and for the UNESCO World Heritage Centre in Paris.

He is the director of Institute of Economics and Business at ILIA State University. In In 2009-2010 he worked as a Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law at ISU. In 2003-2008 years he was elected as a President of National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce. Since 2010 he is Speaker of Representative Council at ISU. The spheres of his interests are Business Research Design, Economics, EU Economic Integration, Global Political Economy, Economy of Caucasus, Banking and Finances, SMEs, etc. Prof. Dimitri Japaridze advises firms and not-for-profit organizations in the areas of decision making, employment relations, etc.

He is currently working at School of Natural Sciences and Engineering of Ilia State University. He is an Acting expert and trainer in GIS systems. His working experience is related to programming, GIS consulting and analysis, cartography, geodesy, GPS technology, Land Survey and rural/urban development and modelling. Besides being and expert of GIS systems, his key qualitifactions are Programmer, Lecturer, Certified teacher of ArcView 3.2 and ArcGIS 8.2 . he has been involved in number of international projects funded by World Bank, UNDP, GTZ, etc

Dean of the Faculty of Tourism of BSU, and full professor of strategic management, marketing strategies and tourism since 2011. He was Director of BSU School of Business from 2006 to 2010, researcher at the Chair of Economics at Moscow K. A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (1988-89), director of the Commercial Center of Moscow Inter-Economic Amalgamation (1990-91), as well as other private companies from 1991 to 2000. He has several research and technical publications in regional development of tourism and marketing, and he has received grants from the German Society of Technical Development. He is chief editor of the inter-university scientific-analytical journal “Business and Management”.

PhD in Economical sciences, BSc in MBA with speciality in Tourism business, and diploma in Laws. Associate professor at BSU in Economics, Risk management and Tourism policy. He is Head of Quality Assurance Center at Tourism faculty, coordinating the actions related to the quality assurance of the learning process from 2011. He also served as Head of the Financial Economic Department at BSU (2007-08). He has several publications and training experience in “Quality assurance in the university” (2007), “Quality management for higher education degrees (collaboration of educational programme in Tourism)” (2009), and “Critical Thinking and Active Learning for Lecturers” (2005).

Assistant professor in Tourism management at the School of Business in BSU. He served as Vice-Dean of the Tourism Faculty organising study processes and reviewing curricula in 2012 and 2013. He was Executive Secretary and Co-chair of the I to IV International Scientific-Technical Conferences of Tourism, Economics and Business in Batumi. He has actively participated in two former TEMPUS projects in tourism management and university-enterprise partnerships.
GIS and RS Consulting Center GeoGraphic Ltd. (GeoG)

Project manager at GeoGraphic. Responsible of management of international projects related to environmental applications of cartography, such as “EnviroGRIDS – Building Capacity for Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System Supporting Sustainable Development”, European Commission FP7. He is also responsible od the GeoGraphic Training Centre, focused in short courses for continuing education of professionals in GIS and cartography. Due to his deep knowledge in international cooperation, he will be the contact person in Goegraphic.
SkyTravel Ltd. (SkyT)

Founder and director of SkyTravel. He studied History of Oriental courtiers at the Moscow State University. Since then, his activity has been always related to the quality tourism industry, developing research on tourism market trends, and operational training for company personnel. He began a registered airline company and a pilot school for tourism since 2005. He has a large experience in touristic markets in the Caucasian region, in particular Georgia and Armenia, where most of the company activities are developed.

Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of NUACA. Has experience of co-ordination of programs and projects, active participation in educational reforms at NUACA. Previously was vice-president of the State Cadastre Committee of the RA under the Government of Armenia.

Coordinator of International Projects of NUACA, lecturer of the department of Engineering Geodesy, 17 years of teaching experience, initiation and development of different type of cooperation programs, co-ordination of programs and projects, expertise in curricula development, international experts of HE quality assurance. Research activity in the fields of real property economics and management, real property assessment, expropriation and compensation.

Adviser to the Minister of Education and Science of Armenia. Head of UNESCO Chair of Education Management at ASUE. Experience of managing international and national projects. Coordinator of Tempus ARARAT, ARMENIAN COORDINATION AGENCY “UNIVERSITY – EMPLOYER” project. International expert in education,Curriculum development. Academic fields of interest: Strategic management, Conflict Resolution

He is an associate professor and deputy at chair of Management at Armenian State University of Economics. He holds a degree of candidate of science in Economics and is an author of more than 30 scientific papers and 4 monographs in the fields of Public Administration and Tourism Management. During his academic career he has participated in a lot of research projects in the mentioned field and has, in particular coauthored a monograph “Tourism Competitiveness and the Directions of its Development in the Republic of Armenia”, which was published within the Inter Chair grant project entitled “The Priorities for improving the Competitiveness in Tourism Market”. Ruben Hayrapetyan has also a research experience in tourism management issues at urban level. He is research team member of ASUE international projects.

He is Lecturer at the Chair of Tourism Management at the Armenian State University of Economics since 2010. In 2010-2013 she was participating in «A Multilateral University Consortium to Strengthen Tourism Education, Research, and Industry Outreach» with co-partner University of Florida. She has co-authored articles “Tourism For Peace: Theory Put in Practice For Turkey and Armenia” (The Journal of Tourism and Peace Research, 2(2), 2011) and “Comparative Compatitive Advantages in Tourism Industry” (Current Issues of Socio-Economic Development of RA. Collection of Scientific Papers, 2013) and also a monograph entitled «Tourism Competitiveness and Development Trends in the Republic of Armenia» (Economist, 2014). She has strong skills in team working, administration and research abilities.

Education: The Yerevan State Bryusov University; post graduate studies at the Moscow State Maurice Thorez University Experienced in working for foreign and diplomatic missions in Armenia; Combines managerial skills with analytical approach to work; Supervised Yerevan Branch office of US company Olympia Tools, Experience in teaching at the Moscow University of Tourism Yerevan Branch; Experience of participating in international projects; Good knowledge of public relations, fluent in Armenian, Russian, English.

Specialist in public relations and advertising. He has experience in Cultural tourism management. He has academic links with Armenian universities and working with academic community on professional development and students trainings and internship.
RUMEA Tempting Trips Club Ltd. (RUMEA)

He is founder and General director of “RUMEA” Tempting Trips Club, with 18-year field experience, is Honored Professor of the Armenian Institute for Tourism, the branch of the Russian International Academy for tourism. He is experienced in education system, and is a collaborator lecturer in other Higher Education Institutions in the country. Due to his large experience in the tourism industry, he knows by first hand the its evolution in the country and the needs and opportunities in the regional tourism business.